Infinite Possibilites, Intention, The Secret

Maggie’s Pledge for Infinite Possibilities in Your Life

This is a pledge that I recently wrote for the students in my Infinite Possibilities classes which are all about the art of living your dreams and the art of changing your life. I thought it was worth sharing for everyone in my realm to enJOY if it resonated with them.

I hope that you find it beneficial and that these affirmations in the form of pledging, helps YOU to access the art of living and creating your life with deliberate intention and that your life becomes bigger and better than your wildest of dreams! 🙂

If you would like to know about upcoming Infinite Possibilities classes which Maggie does via Zoom Video, message Maggie below and she can add you to her email subscribers list.

Maggie is a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer and Coach who had the pleasure of training directly under Mike Dooley, author of the book “Infinite Possibilities” and also known for his role in the movie “The Secret”. Maggie LOVES to empower people to leverage their thoughts, words and emotions, to supercharge creating the lives of their dreams and to be free to be who they are!