Awakening, Life Coaching

I Want Olive it!


I am just on a quick lunch break from my “Soulapalooza” conference with some of the best speakers ever, including Mike Dooley, Andy Dooley, author Alan Cohen, Regena Garrepy and more to come this afternoon and tomorrow. I am enjoying all of them, and was pretty inspired, so over lunch I thought I’d write myself a quick note and then I thought I would share it here so here it is:

Wow. Girl! Isn’t it exciting that you are going to let Spirit come through you and finish that first book!!! That is so AWESOME! I’m really proud of you. You have accomplished so much and are continuing to blow the lid off. It looks good on you Girl!

Isn’t it exciting that olive you have to do is be you? How easy is that. Just be you standing there, wherever you are, allowing Spirit to flow up through you and out through your mouth and hands and essence and flowing to everyone around you. Just like a big Ol light all lit up with Joy and Love and all the good things.

And Hey, Maggie, never forget that what you seek is seeking you!! I know right? It’s pretty cool.

Okay hon, gonna run and I’m glad you enjoyed Regena’s analogy of an olive and how some people like them and some don’t but imagine if the olive stopped being an olive or toned it’s oliveness down? That would be devastating for those who adore olives! That’s why we have to be ‘us’ so we can serve those people who can benefit from ‘us’. Simple eh? Love it and Loved Regena’s talk. She’s awesome. Highly recommend her work!

Okay Maggie, keep being you and we will touch base later. 🙂
