
3 Questions to Ask Yourself this Week


On fueling your body:

When putting food and drinks into your mouth, always ask the question โ€œIs this feeding, fueling or healing my body?โ€ If the answer is “No”, re-choose and think again.  The first step to making change is to question your actions. Are my actions serving me or causing me harm?

On listening  to your Body, Mind & Soul

Donโ€™t assume that you are hungry for example. Use the HALT formula. Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely or maybe even Tired? Often times we try to satiate our feelings by stuffing them down with food, drinks, cigarettes and other substances when that is not what our body or soul is looking for or needs! Ask questions and go within. Maybe you need a 5 minute power nap or decompression from a stressful situation. Even slipping off alone into the bathroom or another room and just focusing on your breathing can help to calm your para-sympathetic nervous system.

Does this bring me Joy?

No matter what you are doing, ask yourself does this person, place, food, event, book, or even a blog post ๐Ÿ˜Š, bring me Joy or serve me for my highest good? Does it make me feel good? Does it enhance my life? Do I feel better or enlightened in a positive way after reading it? If Yes, full speed ahead. Learn to question everything you do to see if it is indeed serving you for the highest and best good. After awhile you will no longer need to question these things as they will become automatic. You will become proficient at making choices that have your best interest in mind.

By implementing some simple questioning, you can really get in tune with what is both healthy for you and what is important for you. Think of questioning as fine tuning and honing in on your well-being and most of all, have fun with it! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Maggie Holbik.com is a Certified Life & Nutrition Coach who resides in Northern Ontario Canada. Her greatest passion is in empowering others to have Joy, to see the beauty in life, and to life lives that provide the perfect playground for their greatest happiness and success.

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